Yo i ent gonna blab stahh. Im 14 reppin LC, I Go 2 sum swag school in enderby lol dnt evevn wanna name it. Im movin up 2 Bosworth College next year tho so its all gd. Iv been spittin 4 about a month and am in M.Y youngerz, gotta rep ma click 2 the full man we makin movements. Trix, Black Knight, Rylatt, Dan, Blitz, Mitch, Dwyer, Hookz, Taz, Speedy, K.Dot.G, Blessin, A-Kid, Pooley, Glover, Tempa Kid N Cristal if ive missed u owt holla. If you wanna get 2 kno me add [email protected] im hardly on at the moment tho. Holdtite S.Dot.Squad, ShakUp Soldiers, D.S.M n evry1 in LC -1-