About Me
Reader beware...
I'm just a simple, complicated, fun lovin, intense, laid back, guy with great friends, fantastic enemies, a close family, an exciting carreer, an obscure confidence, a comfortable couch a reliable remote, a trustworthy alarm clock and a surplus of pillows. I'm a... rather be silly than serious, walk not run, look around an open your eyes kind of guy. I love the smell of Dunken Donuts in the morning... eating healthy to me is getting a grilled chicken hero with bacon and cheese instead of a fried chicken hero with bacon and cheese, I like using words more than spelling wurdds... endless green lights, Fat Sundays, ties without collars, waking up without my alarm, good coming attractions, ocular precision, a good shower, lips more than tongue, Central Air conditioning, voice over narration, mountain air, white sand, sarcastic people, smart yet humble people, people who yearn, are curious, love watching re-runs, scream AND moan, are never content, eat with thier hands, can laugh at themselves before laughing at others, have that "it" that fire that edge... get extra toppings, drink it on the rocks, park along the yellow curb, who really laugh when they type "LOL", aren't afraid to wear sweat pants out of the house, don't walk up escalators, sing in the car when they're alone, love food but hate food shopping, love watching drama but hate living drama, cry when they laugh, can never have enough napkins, who've never actually dated their "type", have a soft spot, a tough side, and doesn't refer to everything as "that's life".For those visually enticed you can find more photos of Ryan's adventures at: