In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future... profile picture

In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future...

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Peace and welcome...We’re members of the community here in South Jersey that wish to do a little something different to bring OUR OWN community together.Thanks for your interest in "In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future". We are a brand new South Jersey Community site here on, provided for the coming together and uplifting of OUR OWN people located here in South Jersey. There were over 500 members in the first 2 weeks of the community's existence... and we expect that many more will be very interested in joining! We have a lot of inspirational and very informative things happening over here... and have provided many links to other profiles that provide an abundance of information about OUR history!The music is powerful... the blogs are powerful... the "TOP FRIENDS" area is plentiful... and the community is BOOMING!!!Check the site out often to stay informed and to be educated with OUR OWN history lessons, paying special attention to the "Blogs" area, as well as the updated "bulletins" we will be posting. Also, try visiting daily to stay in touch with other members and learn some things about one another!We also ask that all of our members place us on your "TOP FRIENDS" area, so that others can easily find us... and don't forget to check your "bulletins" area often for new updates!AND... while we have your attention... please "click" the "play" button on the video player just below!Peace... and always remember..."In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future..."
YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS! layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in uplifting OUR OWN community and preserving OUR culture. All are welcome to submit any questions, concerns or ideas geared towards changing our community for the better. If you are interested in becoming a member, please feel free to send a message and tell us a little about yourself and any gifts or talents you'd like us to OFFICIALLY announce to the community via our "bulletins" area! This is NOT a requirement, it's your choice; we still want you to become a member, so just click the "add" button and you're in! Join us in our efforts to uplift and preserve our culture here in South Jersey AND the surrounding areas... as far as we can reach! - Peace... "In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future..."

Below, you will find a series by Dr. Ray Hagins, entitled "How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip". This series has a total of 6 videos. After viewing the 1st video; which I have provided... you must scroll over the smaller videos or click on the arrows provided, to find the others (they are numbered). Please... watch the ENTIRE series, 1-6... you need to KNOW this!

How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip (Watch All 6 Videos)

Hope you don't ignore this! After watching the series, "How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip"... check out his other teachings. You'll be amazed at what you DON'T know... OUR HISTORY... and not HIS-story (History). Get it?

My Blog

Top 5 Dumbest Dope-Dealers!!!

Top 5 DUMBEST Dope-Dealers:1. Ones wearing Timberlands on the set - try running in them heavy a$$ boots... let alone untied!2. Ones sportin' "the sag" while hustling - ever tried running with ya pants...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 21:40:00 GMT


Peace Family...I just want to share some info with you all. What you choose to do with the information is strictly up to you. Some of you, I'm sure... already have knowledge of this... others have non...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 20:42:00 GMT

AmeriKKKa... Guess Who's in the WHITEhouse?!!?!!

 Ok Fam... Now that you are amazed and inspired by THEIR illusion - your "black" (half-black) president... do as your president says... "Get off your BLACK a$$es and DO something... I'm just ONE man.....
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:27:00 GMT

"Dat Wifey Type" 101: Intro

Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 06:36:00 GMT

What IS Religion, REALLY???

What IS Religion, REALLY???     Well, let's begin with the definition, found in the Meriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:       Main Entry: re·li·gion Pronunciation: ..ri-Èli-j...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 21:49:00 GMT

The NEW Declaration Of END-Dependence!

END-Dependence Day! Main Entry: de"pen"dence Variant(s): also de"pen"dance ..di-Èpen-dYn(t)s.. Function: noun Date: 15th century 1: the quality or state of being dependent; especially : the quality or...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 20:59:00 GMT

The UN-conscious Seekers

    The UN-conscious Seekers       While sitting and thinking one day& something that I have always done, but find myself doing on a higher level now& I thought of yet anot...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:26:00 GMT

Broken [Black] Communities

    Broken [Black ]Communities         Why are our [black] communities so broken and mangled? Well, I'm sure that many feel that they have all the answers to this questio...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 18:01:00 GMT

Are You REALLY "Black"???

Peace, Brothas & Sistas... We'd like to inform you all of some changes that have been made recently, due to the continuous seeking... researching... studying... and learning of SELF! Because of a ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 15:11:00 GMT

Boys & Girls Club of Paulsboro

If you haven't heard already... the Boys & Girls Club of Paulsboro has been implementing many changes to their program. It is a great place for the youth of Paulsboro to gather for educational and...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 07:32:00 GMT