Anyone interested in uplifting OUR OWN community and preserving OUR culture. All are welcome to submit any questions, concerns or ideas geared towards changing our community for the better. If you are interested in becoming a member, please feel free to send a message and tell us a little about yourself and any gifts or talents you'd like us to OFFICIALLY announce to the community via our "bulletins" area! This is NOT a requirement, it's your choice; we still want you to become a member, so just click the "add" button and you're in! Join us in our efforts to uplift and preserve our culture here in South Jersey AND the surrounding areas... as far as we can reach! - Peace... "In OUR Hands, Lies OUR Future..."
Below, you will find a series by Dr. Ray Hagins, entitled "How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip". This series has a total of 6 videos. After viewing the 1st video; which I have provided... you must scroll over the smaller videos or click on the arrows provided, to find the others (they are numbered). Please... watch the ENTIRE series, 1-6... you need to KNOW this!
How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip
(Watch All 6 Videos)
Hope you don't ignore this! After watching the series, "How to Deactivate Your Willie Lynch Chip"... check out his other teachings. You'll be amazed at what you DON'T know... OUR HISTORY... and not HIS-story (History). Get it?