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I am here for Friends

About Me


Mari "Pixi" Villarreal (Soon to be either Martinez or Sanchez)
Los Angeles, Cali ... baby!
Maritial Status:
*giggle* *tackles Alex* I'm taken!
My husband and I have a 3 yr old, Miguel, and two 1 yr olds Zack and Kat. They were born July 28, 2002 (Miguel), November 23, 2004 (Zack), and February 5, 2005 (Kat). We don't have them with us, but do hope to visit them soon!
Valerie Villarreal, the most spoiled bitch I've ever known! And I love it!
I believe I'm a really fucken loyal friend! But, I am very selective when it comes to who I do talk to. I've learned too many come with a lot of drama!!
I will taint the world with the Syco's I bear!
I'm a bit of a bitch from what I hear ... I don't have the patience for idiots or anyone who disrepects my family.
I wrote this before Alex and I came to be ...

Never Ending, Never Finished

Broken dreams, salty tears and a hopeless life
Spiraling in the whole I've dug for myself
Used to the abuse, addicted to misery
Or maybe not, just what I've always known
Alone, afraid, I need guidance, in my weakened state
It's been so long since I've felt headstrong ... proud
But pride will be the downfall of my desperate attempts to feel loved
Or adored, appreciated for who I am
Nausiated, I'm dying inside
But my self torture brings no happiness or accomplishments
Negativity and thoughtless comments stab me daily
Bleeding on the floor and screams unanswered
The crimson liquid spreads, it flows freely
I can never heal and these wounds are deep
The tears I've shed give contrast so beautifully
But the agony of continuous pain is aggrivating
"Please stop this!" I cry to the goddess
But the never ending conflicts tear into me
Have I been punished? Or should I feel grateful?
The compassion I feel is one sided
And those I love never think as they rip through me savagely
I want someone to see me
See the same beauty I see in them
Wrapped in ecstasy, happiness, adoration
But it only seems hopeless, helpless
As if an under current has drug me deep into water
My body is bruised and torn from the debri scattered along
I've lost sight of the top, fear has long gone
I feel scatterbrained and unsure of everything
I want it to end, I want to see the top
I've held my breath so long, that I'm struggling to hold on
-Maricella Villarreal
My Ba-by helped me out when no one could open their eyes to my pain and I adore him for it!

Pixi and Syco
Forever and a fucken day!!

My Cherub, My Sprite

As I travel along these roads of life
I carry a treasure to revere
A gem that sparkles in a pile of rocks
My love, my companion, my son
I gaze upon this endowment from the goddess
And adore him with every breath and soul
He is distinguished from the colorless faces
And blooms beautifully against a bitter world
He looks upon me with ardor and compassion
And I feel unworthy of such devotion
But, he is my cherub, he is my sprite
He is the lucidity, the governing factor of my life
-Maricella Villarreal
I wrote this to my son Miguel a little after he was born.

My Interests

Spare Time?
I love writing, web designing, art, theatre, I am attracted to all the psycho's out there for some wierd reason.

Well, eventually I will go back, but I'm getting out of a rough time right now.

I'm writing a book, autobiography ... but as of right now I'm still unsure.

I'm bi, but in a monogomous relationship! I am a nympho that is greatly satisfied by his skills, so don't bother trying to tap my ass!

Well, I'm not legally yet, but that will happen when he can give me the wedding I've always wanted! *laugh* But, we are common law.

I absolutely love children! I have 3!

I'd like to meet:

No One Creepy
No one obsessive or capable of it! I don't have the patience or will power not to bitch slap you!

Friends Only
I am married so I'm only looking for friends. And yes, I do plan on staying with him, so no I would not like to go out sometime. If you can't handle just being friends than I don't have time for you.

Kids Are A +
If you got kids that's even better! I love showing off my pics! And sharing Mommy and Daddy stories! Tehehe

Friend Request
Hmmm, try sending me mail before you try to be my friend. I don't just add anyone, like I said before I am very selective, but it's worth it!

Aren't they gorgous?!

Name: Rolando Miguel Villarreal
Birthday: July 28, 2002 Kathryn Rosalee Villarreal
Birthday: Feb. 5, 2005

Name: Jesus Razen Aniken Ortiz
Birthday: March 07, 2002 Name: Lydia Kadalina Justice Ortiz
Birthday: June 13, 2004

Name: Ivory Erin Ortiz
Birthday: September 24, 1984 Name: Valerie Rose Villarreal
Birthday: May 30, 1986


I Hate ...
Fucken hillbilly music!!!!!
Fucken pop
Fucken R&B
Fucken most Rap
Fucken christian music!

Fuck it all!!!

People can sound like shit and make millions ... something is wrong with that.

Let's rock and roll baby, rock and roll!


Nothing's sexier than a bunch of women who all got rid of the assholes in their lives.

Natural Born Killers
Tell em, tell em it was Pixi and Syco!!! That was one of the best love stories I've seen!

Nightmare Before Christmas
I can't wait to start painting the kids faces up!

Mists of Avalon
The Music on there and the drumming. I could light a fire up and dance all night!


Wasting Away ...
If I sat on my ass all day, then what would be the point of living?!

Dora The Explorer
I watch Dora with my kids ... that's about it.

Sesame Street
It's a classic ... what can I say?!?!


Yes I'm a Dork ...
I roleplay D&D, yes I know ... and no it won't change. Have been since I was 15.

I love Anne Rice, she writes so eroitcally delicious! My husband is free to cut me any time he wants *purrs*

I am reading Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews to further my studies.

The Paegan Arts
I am a Faerie Witch, so anything that comes to me, I try to read.

I enjoy the pictures ... and the practice. We all have our weaknesses.

Poetry, Short Stories, Auto Biography
And of coarse ... myself. *evil grin*

For those who are walking in the unknown ...
sadist (n) : someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others
masochist (n) : someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment


I don't ask for any help from a higher power, all those who do ... are weak. But, if the Lord & Lady, and the Fae bless me ... I do humble myself before them.

We will always survive and there is no excuse for sitting down and taking what has been given unjustly. No one can be better than us .... Biatch!

My Blog

Gypsy ...

Last night I had prayed to the Lord & Lady, and Morrigu to please come to me in my dreams if they need me to know something.  Well, when I woke up, I was smoking a ciggarette when Gypsy poppe...
Posted by Pixi on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:32:00 PST