Cause he`s the only one who matters
it all started on september 26, 2005. its weird isn`t it? a year & a half & we`re still going strong, no matter how many people doubted us. no matter how many people tried to break us up. no matter how many rumors came about. you`re so important to me. i know we`ve had minor problems but we worked through them, even if its taking some time. i know i`m not the perfect girlfriend - i`m needy & i never forget about the things that make me mad even if i`ve forgiven you. i know i tend to think about unhappy things & resent them but remember i will never resent you. it took me a while to finally let you know how i fully feel about everything. i`m so comfortable with you & i really can tell you everything. you`re my baby, my big baby - but still my baby. i`ll pamper you until you`re sick of me.
chucky & jade. 9265.
also, let`s get this straight. i probably don`t or won`t like you, especially not as much as you`d want me to. i`m a cynical person who will pick at your flaws. i tend to be mean. no, i don`t think you`re cool because you drink or smoke or have overloaded yourself on drugs. i think you have wasted my time by even telling me all the stupid things you`ve done. my respect is hard to keep & when lost, it is hard to earn back. if i have no respect for you then you might as well not talk to me.