About Me
A relatively unknown medical hero, Professor Bill Nelson was an M.D. born in Ohio, and now residing in Budapest(to avoid the limitations of the politically controlled healthcare system in the US). Brief History: In 1969 Professor William Nelson worked on the apollo project where he learned the value of electronics and tri-vector shape theories of topology. In 1976 while teaching fourier analysis and vector calculus, Professor Nelsons psychic research and quantum sub-space theory lead to international acclaim. In 1979 he learned the biological speeds of electo-physiological reactivity and also discovered the superiority of voltage, amperage, resonant frequencies, capacitance, inductance, and reactance to previous skin resistance measurements for energetic medicine. In 1982 Prof. Nelson assembled the 1st ever tri-vector analysis of 1000's of homeopathics, measuring the resonant frequencies of the acupuncture points, developing the Fourier analysis algorhithms for reactivity, and putting together the puzzle of a tri-vector cybernetic link for diagnosis. In 1989 Prof Nelson registered the EPFX system with the U.S.A. FDA as a bio-feedback unit WITHOUT therapy. In 1992 the U.S.A. FDA informed Prof Nelson that they will limit the future registration of any device such as the QXCI. In 1993 Prof Nelson moved to Hungary to continue his work without the restraints of the U.S.A. FDA. In 1995 Prof Nelson solves the vector problem and devises a device without the analog to digital conversion, resulting in a cheaper device with far more accuracy than conventional analogue converters. Now a cybernetic link is possible and Prof nelson realizes the real need for a device such as the QXCI. Apart from 5 patents in energetic medicine, there are numerous proprietary secrets known only to Prof Nelson. such as 1=Subspace Link. 2=Body digital to computer digital link. 3=Cybernetic link of diagnosis to treatment auto focus bio-resonance. 4=Fractal analysis of Xrroid data. 5=Fourier analysis algorithms for bio-resonance data analysis. 6=Trivector system(to mention just a few..). the result of this knowledge led to the inventions of the SCIO and the QXCI devices(interface boxes which calibrate bio-electrical parameters to enable simultaneous real-time computer measurements and treatments of these subtle electrical factors otherwise known as STRESS.
More about the QXCI: One of the greatest and most affordable modern inventions by Professor William Nelson, the QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Conciousness Interface) Bio-Feedback System is NEW TECHNOLOGY. It is a biofeedback system using a head-strap, wrist-straps and ankle straps, to interface a computer with the subconcious information and energy inside a human being. Because of recent developments of ultra high-speed computers, this device is able to send out and RECIEVE 55 electrical measurements every 100 to 1000th of a second to both detect and CORRECT electronic abnormalities of the human body at roughly the same time. This technology is used for Unconscious Emotional Therapy, Sports programs(LANCE ARMSTRONG regularly used the QXCI device while training for the TOUR DE FRANCE), Cranial Sacral therapy, Anti-aging, Spinal therapy, Injury Repair, Lymph-Digestion-Eye-Sinus-Therapy, Hormone therapy, Supplement Analysis, Quantum Homeopathy, Voice-diagnosis, Stimulation of memory/creativity/insight/intelligence/lucid dreaming/and psychic abilities, Aura scanning, Scalar therapy, Color therapy, Chakra therapy, Quantum Acupuncture, DNA Tri-Vector therapy, as well as Frequency Modulation for Autonomic Nerval System and Brain Wave patterns, etc. etc... It works by calibrating the patients reactance speed, and reactivity, to "test" over 7000 items at biological speeds, and also do energetic medicine such as RIFE, Bicom Mora, bio-resonance, etc.. with a cybernetic link between the machine and the "patient" allowing for an auto-focused(self adjusting)"treatment" for maximum efficiency and results.
But why hasn't your doctor told you about it? Probably the same reason you don't hear much about anything else from your doctor that works.. Because the politics of healthcare today are DARK!,(but now for my IMPORTANT disclaimer): Although bio-feedback is widely used and excepted in many parts of the world, the QXCI Bio-Feedback system is considered "experimental" in the US, and if you choose to enjoy a QXCI BioFeedback SESSION, you will legally have to recognize it as an EXPERIMENT. If you DO decide to experiment with a QXCI or SCIO session, you will not be recieving what I would call a "treatment", you will simply be exposing yourself to very subtle and potentially beneficial waveforms which your body may choose to harmonize with to an extent, so that your body can HELP ITSELF. The above descriptions of "patients", "treatments", and "therapies" were summarized from material posted from Budapest. In the U.S., if you choose to experiment with the SCIO or QXCI, you will be a "client" not a patient, you will recieve a "session" not a treatment, and at the most, your therapist may take some measurements, make some "observations", or notice potential "probabilities", rather than doing a diagnosis. Treatments and diagnosis are legally done only by doctors in the U.S.)Federal law states that you should consult a doctor for any serious health problems and nobody is claiming that the QXCI or SCIO can diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The QXCI and SCIO are designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The content of this profile is summarized INFORMATION only, and not intended as medical advise. No claims are made by the author of this profile that any of the INFORMATION summarized above is true, -that is for you to decide. Considering that over 100,000 people die every year from correctly prescribed FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs, and considering that Iatrogenic diseases(diseases CAUSED by doctors) are now the 3rd leading cause of death in this country, I wish you luck if you do decide to consult a Western Doctor for just about anything(other than a bullet wound), but that is what you are supposed to do. By the way, if you do the math, that makes Wester Doctors statistically 9000 times more dangerous than gun owners(and people want to make guns illegal...) PS the default photo is not actually Bill Nelson. This profile is a TRIBUTE to Bill, -hope you benefit from being exposed to the information. "Knowledge is power!".Layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts