Luminor says about himself:
"Watashi Dake Ni... Sometimes it seems that even here you are parted from us. A riddle that no one now knows.. A sign that no ones eyes can fiew. Shy.Weak.Happy and just dammed. Wild.strong..Lonely and adored. Poor .Rich.what have i might searched? Hard.Soft.What had caused the pain? I am an exzentrik, undefinated person full of opposites...A man dedicated to the romantic of the moon and teh darkness of the beautifull night...I went my life in lonely ways , but i did it strictly...For i never lost my wishes..And my passions.. Passionated, exzessiv, romatic, fragile, strong , Joy of sadness, sadness of joy....Able to true love...Happy to love..and often unhappy to do so.... "Luminor is the male from word "Lumina" which means Moonlight and Lightbeam. He is 23 years old, he was born in 1985 on March 22th in Neunkirchen. His astro sign is Aries. He has black, beautiful hair with brownish strands and sparkling, misterious eyes in green, blue and grey color. His height is 1.84m. He adores writing poems and stories, reading. He has many wonderful talents - singing, writing and acting. He lives in Berlin right now.[LOVEMYFLASH]