Currently Road Biking, Yoga, Surfing.
Music. I love Music. I have always looked at it as a vehicle to move me. I love synthesizers and samplers and all other kinds of tech-geeky equipment.
I've done a lot of skiing, a lot of rock climbing, I've studied latin, I was in the marine corps, i used to ride horses, and I have done a lot of hiking. I lived in Boulder for ten years, so those things were easy to do from there.
I also used to party a lot, and go to raves, clubs, etc... Now my interests are more 'grown up', but I miss the old days...
I'd like to meet:
Short answer: people to go do fun stuff with. Go see concerts, go road biking, go camping, go to art shows, etc...
Long answer:Later...
I just saw Massive Attack, awesome... I LOVE old reggae, like Toots and the Maytals, and Jacob MIller. I love old ska, and Bob marley. I love any music with loads of feeling. I like music that reminds me of people and places. I love trance, it reminds me of late nights at Soma in Boulder with good friends, rolling our asses off and making friends. I love House, it reminds me of my friend yossi, and raves and house parties. I love punk, it reminds me of skiing all those years. I'm also into real atmospheric drum and bass like LTJ Bukem. I like some indie rock. I like really all kinds of music. From all spectrums. WHen I am sad I listen to some old 10,000 maniacs stuff or the shins.
Le Grande Illusion, Forrest Gump, Full Metal Jacket, What the Bleep do we know?, Groundhog day, I'm not a huge film buff, but I do love the old samurai and kung fu movies. Seven Samurai, and all the old bruce lee and jackie chan movies. Chinese connection...
I only really like The Simpson's, Seinfeld, Family Guy, MASH. I like OLN's coverage of the Tour de France. I like the history channel, and the discovery channel. I don't spend a lot of tiem watching tv... Futurama is GREAT. I like that 70's show a little bit... Ali G, Mr. Show, Oh, and my all time favorite is Flying Circus... My new favorite is Battlestar Galactica...
My favorite book is 'the once and future king' by TH White. I like anything to do with Arthurian Legend. I loved All of Douglass Adam's books. I like historical fiction, like Richard Adam's 'Traveller' or anything about ancient Rome. My favorite line in a book is from "The Sun Also Rises", when she asks him if he loves her and he says, "Isn't it pretty to think so?"... I liked 100 years of Solitude a lot, and for a long time I read mostly negative utopia books like fahrenheit 451 and 1984... At any one time I've got several books going... Right now I'm reading all of Kosinski's stuff, I just read Watership Down, and I'm reading a book about Quantum Physics. My favorite Poem is HOWL by Ginsberg, I really think Ginsberg is a great poet. I also like Kerouac.
It sounds Trite, but my hero is Lance Armstrong. That dude really is in the flow of life. I get a tear in my eye every time i see him ride and realize what he's been through, and what he's doing to help others. I think he's going to go on and win the Nobel Prize or be a politician. He's a really intense guy who figured out how to channel that intensity into something productive and ALSO use it to help others.