Sometimes, I am overwhelmingly facetious. Other times, I am unsettlingly sincere. Most times, I discover myself utterly incapable of differentiating between either sentiment.
Sometimes, I am overwhelmingly facetious. Other times, I am unsettlingly sincere. Most times, I discover myself utterly incapable of differentiating between either sentiment.
General interests: you.
I am looking for tawdry encounters with desperate, attention-starved individuals; preferably those with little self-esteem and entirely lacking inhibitions. Does cater to such people?
I feel the handpicked variety presented by the entire Now That's What I Call Music! catalogue best represents my diverse but selective taste.
I only watch movies socially.
I applaud the O'Reilly Factor for reinstating civility to political discussion within the media. Bill steadfastly ensures that discourse shall be polite, informed, and focused upon decisive issues. Without him, exchanges degenerate into shouting competitions where nothing is resolved.
I like comics:
My heroes are friends which affected me throughout high school and continue impacting me despite our time spent distanced, attempting to behave like grownups; Heather, Mary Jo and Carolyn, Shawn and Logan, T.J., James, and Jannette. Because of Devin and Stew, I learned so much about the process of recording music, between the evenings I spent crashed upon the floor at Studio Fidelis. Deanna; either my favorite new person or my new favorite person.