Hello there.
I'm Sven, which in Old Norse means young warrior.
I'm 19 years old.
Half belgian, a quarter Swedish, a quarter Welsh.
100 percent American.
If I could be any race I would be of Indian descent.
I'm not a member of any religion really.
I think they are all pretty cool, but right now it's just not my thing.
I'm currently attending De Anza college, but will most likely transfer to Evergreen after the summer.(The commute's a bitch)
Not sure yet what I want to major in yet, but it will most likely be something in zoology or marine biology.
What I really want to do and have such a passion for is theater.
Love singing, love acting, love dancing.
I hope to one day transition to screen, but I am keeping it realistic.
There is always a good chance that doesn't happen(Ask half the waiters in LA), so my major will be a soft pillow to land on incase I fall.
I think "Follow your dreams" is not really the best advice to give. If you have it, awesome. But if you don't, those words are only false hope.
I like the movies that usually get nominated for oscars.
All that other stuff I'll netflix...maybe.
Love music of all kinds.
Except some country.
I love to travel.
I'm fortunate to have been many places in my 19 years, and I love the many different cultures I've seen.
I've been a certified scuba diver since I was 13, and it is also my passion.
Parents meet at Club Med, dad was a scuba instructor, mom was a musical performer.
Apple didn't fall to far.
I have been swiming since before I could walk and love the ocean.
I also have a strong love for nature.
It calms me like nothing else can.
I'm hoping next summer to go away for 6 or so months, to treck the Pacific Crest Trail. It will be a challege, but well worth it.
I love my Family dearly.
I love my close group(groups?) of friends, and am glad I have them in my life.
That's about it for now.
So, have a great day.
And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.Sven will get your family organized.He also enjoys American pizza.
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