*~bRit*~ profile picture



About Me

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hey my name is BriTtaNi i go to wilkes central high school i am a junior (upper class man baby) loli have 2 brothers *Josh and *Zach (courtneys husband) *&* 5 sisters *Courtney*Kaylee*Charity*Mallory* and my new sister RACHEL* (joshs wife) i am a shorty 5'2 in a half (yes the half does count) i have brown hair ,no more braces just got them off omg so happy but i always happen to lose my retainer lol, i am a spaz luv to play soccer varsity baby #16 i am like always singing*i luv life to the fullestmy favorite place to go in the whole wide world is a playgroundANd i have no idea wht i would do in life with out all my SupER CooL NiftY AWESOMELY WONDERFUL FriEndS whom i Luv sooo Much (especially barbara who is amazing and spectacular and a bunch of other cool descriptive words. she is the love of my life.)♥
B Bright
R Relaxing
I Intense
T Tame
T Twisted
A Awkward
N Neat
I Intelligent
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com*href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm 15eWVhcmJvb2suY29t"Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz:
Which Famous Soccer Star are You?

Freddy Adu
You will be the next michael jordan of your sport you are determined and don't take no for an answer. You will be considered a god to millions you will be the greatest...
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! *
What Makes You.. by SheBangs12
Your name?
Your gender?
What makes you sexy? Your legs
What makes you pretty? Your smile
What makes you loveable? Everything
What makes you fun? Your positive attitude
What makes you irresistable? Your individuality
What makes you cute? The way you walk
Quiz created with MemeGen !***Your Personality Profile***You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart. Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people. You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker. You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side. Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.The World's Shortest Personality Test http://www.blogthings.com/worldsshortestpersonalitytest
You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
You are kind, popular, and generous. You tend to be successful at anything you try. A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd. You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream. What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?
How to make a *HiBbArD*
5 parts competetiveness
3 parts crazyiness
1 part beauty
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little wisdom if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
Custom Friends Space Generator

My Interests

My interests consides of = GOd, SOCCER, SINGING, being doppie, BOYs, Playing in the SNow, having fun at the pArk, chillin with all my friends,smashing ice-cream in really cool ppls face and getting it all over in the car lol (that was fun)thats pretty much it hahah
This layout has been removed due to createblog complaining about copyright infringement. More layouts coming soon.
MySpace Layouts

How to make a Brittani
1 part friendliness
1 part humour
1 part energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

I'd like to meet:

people i dont know yet i guess and like famous ppl like: kelly clarkson,Jason Mraz,John Mayer, Channing Tatum, Diana Ross, Meg Ryan, Celine Dion, and much more
Which guitar are you

Fender Strat
You are a Fender Stratocaster. You are the orignal rock and roll guitar.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com


um i like like all kind of music i dont really not like any but i like Journey, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Celine Dion, Kelly CLarkson, Martina McBride, eleventyseven, Relient k, SHerwood, switchfoot, falling up, the classic crime, Jonny Lang and lots more i just cant think of any
Which DISNEY character are you most like?

Take this quiz !

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The Goonies & The NOTE BOOK

Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

loved that movie omg and A Walk TO Remember

Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

and The Phantom of the Operah and All of THe DIsney movies especially these...


You Are Ernie
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you! The Sesame Street Personality Quiz


Lurleane McDaniel books r like really good but i also like Nickolas Sparks books um Once upon a Marigold, The Two Princesses of Bamarre and Just ella, and Ella Enchanted


JesUs*~* My DadDy*~*~ My MoMmY"*~* anD aLl oF mY NifTy cOoL frIenDs haha *~*~*~SUPERMAN*~*~*Your results:
You are The Flash The Flash 100% Supergirl 87% Green Lantern 85% Superman 85% Catwoman 70% Iron Man 70% Robin 65% Wonder Woman 62% Spider-Man 60% Hulk 60% Batman 55% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
H Handy
I Influential
B Bouncy
B bubbley
A Accurate
R Refined
D Dashing
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com *
About me
Name ~*~*BrItTaNi*~*~
Nickname bRit
Birthday June 13
Height 5'1 and 3/4th hahah or just 5'2
Hair Color/Eye Color blond , bown eyed girl
Have you ever...
been in a fight um not in a punch fight
Been rejected no
Been inlove not in my life yet
Used someone sadley yes hahah
Cheated on someone no
Been Cheated on no
Did something you regreted oh tons
Visited another country yep mexico
Considered a life of crime oh all the time
Considered being a hooker heck yes
Considered being a pimp shew all the time
Went skinny dipping yeah haha
Drink Spirt and shirley temple and stawberry shake haha
Color bLuE
Candy skittles, starlerburst and smarties and Butterfinger!!!
TV show Americna idol nowand smallville
Movie to many
Place never-land
Person to talk to barney
Holiday christmas all the food hah
Month april b/c its spring
Day of the week wednessday
Do you Perfer...
Mc.Donalds or Burger King burger king
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper dr.pepper unless root beer float
Sunshine or Rain sunshine
Spring or Fall fall
Winter or Summer summer
Vanilla or Chocolate tough um chocolate
Snowboarding or skiing i can not snowboard skiing
Horror or Action movies um
Do you..
Color your hair high-lighted it like 2 times
Have tatoos sadly no
Have piercings yeah
If so, how many 4
Like Thunderstorms Heck yes
Love Music omg yes
Sing hahahahah YEAH
Shower Daily duh
Instant message
Love life Pretty much
Have a dog no but have wanted 1 for like ever
Right now..
Current Clothes pajamas
Current Mood happy
Current Hair down
Current Music jesus take the wheel
Current Crush cant tell :?
Current thing u should be doing um eatting
Current Perfume/Cologne happy to be
Are You...
Friendly pretty much
Understanding some times
Happy like all the time
Bored Easily not really
Attractive um not sure
Organized not in my room
Unique deffinatley
In a Boy/Girl....
Hair Color blue or blond or brown
Eye Color purple or brown or green or blue
Long or Short Hair not to long but not short
Height taller the 5 ft
Weight not fat
Type of personality good
Do you have any pets? yes turtle and fish
Any siblings? yeah 5
What do you want to be when you grow up? photographere
Do You want to get married yeah
Do you want to have kids yeha
What words do you overuse like and um
Do you have a cell phone yeh
Do you have an Mp3 player/ Ipod no
Whats the color of your room? um white but painting it
Favorite Color of Clothing to wear blue
Whats the best thing about your personality i am hyper alot of the time
Whats your Best Physical Trait idk
Do you go to church yes
End this survey with a quote um be happy every day
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..***You Are Funky Panties***You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top. You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard. Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable. And you've got a spunky, feisty side that comes out after a while!What Kind of Panties Are You? http://ynr.blogthings.com/whatkindofpantiesareyouquiz/
You are Audrey Hepburn. You aren't a firey beauty
that stops cars, but when people get a good
look at you, they adore your face. You're
lovely and it's more natural because you
never fuss too much over your looks. Your
manner is charming and easy, your voice
soothing, and your mind sharp. You will have
many admirers and as long as you keep your
head on your shoulders, your choices will be
Which vintage movie star are you most like?(For girls)
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My Blog


hey every body thsi is my blog u can look at it if u want but there is nothing really to c hahahah so yeah byes       *bRit* ...
Posted by *~bRit*~ on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 05:50:00 PST