hehey! My name is Michelle and I'm an exchange student from Switzerland. There is not much time left in my year, only
12 more days . It makes me really sad that I'll have to go home so soon. I will miss everyone of my friends so much! I just love being weird when I'm with my friends and sing with my ugly voice...yes, my friends will know what i'm talking about :) I love you all so much, I can't even explain it. And then all my lovely AFS friends, you all mean so much to me. I know that some of you I might never see again in my life!!! I mean I really don't hope so, but it is hard. You never know when I'll have the time and money to travel the world and come visit everyone!! So, maybe you got a little taste of how hard it is for me to leave everyone and my life here behind and start all over in Switzerland! Keep in touch people! I love you...Add me on your msn:
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