Art, Movies, Music, love to read, fight for equality...
Some cool people, who like to laugh and have a heart.
Your 1996 Theme Song Is: 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins
Shakedown 1979
Cool kids never have the time
On a live wire right up off the street
You and I should meet
What's Your 1996 Theme Song?
Early 90's Alternative such as: Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, NIN. Also rock out to Violent Femmes, L7, The Killers, The White Stripes, Sara M., Eminem, Cake, and others.
Bringing Out The Dead, But I'm a Cheerleader, High Art, too many to list
Cold Case, Law and Order, CSI, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The L Word, The Closer, Medium, Law and Order, etc.
Harry Potter, Stephen King, Crime-Drama Novels, Dan Brown Novels, Sylvia Browne.
The Powerpuff Girls! in my woman's!