The proper cleaning & servicing of furnaces & air conditioners. This can help your equipment from break downs & save you money on your utility bills. My profession is heating & air conditioning... my web site is:
Looking for friends to help an endangered species, the self employed man. I,ve spent over 30 years in the heating & air conditioning field. Now I,m classified as over-qualified (to old) & none of the local companys will hire me.So I dusted off my old van & loaded up my old roto-brush duct cleaning & going back to work.I also have contacts in the business & can get you a heck of a deal on a new furnace and/or air conditioner. Need your heat and/or air to work right? I can help you there.So put me on your friend list & keep in touch.The time is now for the people to help the people.God Bless & take Care. Pete The Ductman PS My friends list is
The Blues...