Alexis profile picture



About Me

My name is Alexis! I went to NYU for a year, but I'm transfering back home to be closer to my family. I love them and they mean the world to me!
I have the best friend a girl could have, Brandon. He's really done a lot for me this past year and I am very thankful! Also, I can't leave my brother out because I'm sure if he wasn't there for me, I wouldn't be here today!
I'm so excited that the summer has started, and so hit me up if you want to hang out!

My Interests

Dance, Hanging out with my friends when I have time, and working in my brother's shop.... that's basically all I have time for.

I'd like to meet:

God, Angelina Jolie, and Brad Renfro


Anything I can dance to!



I don't really have time for TV... but I do enjoy the Hills and the Real World marathons


The things you'll learn in Jail, The Glass Castle, The Secret, and Lovely Bones


My Brother!