Well to be honest, I would die a happy girl, if I got the chance to meet Tom Keifer! To sit with him for a day, and just hang out & chat, watch him play guitar... (no I would not attempt to play guitar too, WHAT ARE YOU,STOOPID?) would be... well Heaven! On the other hand, may not be such a good idea, I would become so shy, I'd get the mumbles, and shake in my boots! Stop LMAO'ing!!!! I can hear you you know! The man is so gifted, le'me alone I can't Help it!Then there is my other hero... Mr Carey Howe... (his from Leatherwolf shame on you if you don't know) Dam this guy is a freak of nature! Talent oozes from his pores! He made Leatherwolf!!!!!Don't be bloody stoopid!!!! no I will not choose who is better etc.... they are talented souls from different backgrounds.... enuff said!I also wanna meet fellow Rockers, people that are fun to be with and have the same wacky personality as I do! Oh and if you drink Jack 'n' Sprite ( yes you heard. Sprite! try it before you knock it!)& like Tom too, I'll like ya even better! LMAO... Yes I'm nuts, get over it!