DemonGun Magazine is the rueful child of two progenitors, Bernie McGovern and Patrick E. Tianen, and a cast of co-conspirators. Forged by toil and fire in a marriage both intellectual and aesthetic, DemonGun boasts an exponentially higher projected rate of success than conventional nuptial prospects. Possessed by the desire to attain the collaborative genius of their forebears, its cosmic heritage couples the excessive glamour of the Glimmer Twins, Leathered and Weathered, with the gentle, celluloid frolics of 1970s buddy pictures.DemonGun strives to give paginated voice and vision to such minor heroes as: Frederick Cooper, Light of the World, and A Boy Named Madl, a serial account of a man-child, which presents the onomatopoetic, visual, not at all metaphorical wan whimper of a life cut short by rampant, rapid-fire procreation. Regular features include a full-color foldout of the fearsome Succubus of the Month, a reimagining of the pin-up. DemonGun is a collection of ill-behaved beasts, antiquated love, 10 karat divorcees, hard knocks, stolen bikes, saccharine splendors, and wholesale degradation. But mostly, DemonGun is about comics.To submit, please contact DemonGun at
[email protected], DemonGun.htm