A musical interpretation of the writings of poets long since gone.
A collaboration between Clayton Cushman (Acheronian Dirge, Ex-Throcult) and David Csicsely (Acheronian Dirge, Nexhymn, Ex- Throcult) to create a project lyrically based on the Poetic Eddas and Norse mythology and built on a “doomy†foundation. As a start, any live shows have been decided to be performed on the Winter and Summer solstices, ( Just as of now, you never know we might throw an Equinox or two in the mix) due to what time could be invested in the band while the other projects are going in full swing.
We will continue to write and record and will come out with a full length sometime in the near future. Enjoy.
**********Sleip∙nir -(slÄp'nir) Odin's eight-legged steed, and the greatest of all horses. The off spring of Loki and the gray stallion Svadilfari, Sleipnir, the swiftest on the earth could bear Odin over sea, through the air, and to and from the land of the dead.