It was jan 12 , 1978 and i dont remember being born. I've lost chunks of time in this life other then some child hood memories. I played sports as a child but cant say i was anything special , other than baseball i think, but still then i was a terrible batter cause i was scared of the ball. I moved alot & went to many schools. I was born in Norfolk , Virginia & moved to Texas when i was 12 or 13. Raised by a single mother & with 4 sisters , my 3 step fathers in between i suppose didnt have what it took to manage & nuture a true relationship with my mother. I managed to have great parents & family, and the friends along the way were good people. Some Not...
I've had to choose between parents , but looking back this life i barely remember still has some of the finest qualities a person could ever want in a lifetime and this web site is simply my story....
It all starts in San Antonio , Texas. Thats were i had freedom , its where
i had choice and its where it all begins for me. I had no friends but a guitar and my mother and god bless her for her trials and tribulations. Its hard raising 3 boys with 2 parents never the less a boy and 4 girls practically on your own kinda , but it was in Texas i started to learn who i was. I joined a gang(of friends) , but we were a click with all the tattoo marks & intiation. I was introduced to drugs(mainly Marijuana) at the time. I listened to all kinds of music which has had the most influence on me. I moved to another part of SA and was introduced to alot of what i would call my hippie friends.That was a really interesting time of my life to the people , the girls , to the music & the drugs. That was my life and i enjoyed every minute. I wish i could relive it just to have those feelings of what it felt during that time. The good and the bad. I cherish those times. Which is a part of why i've enjoyed this life.
At this point in my life ive gone through my so called gangster stage and have opened up a new peace with what i call my so called hippie/depression/Nirvana stage which by the way there is a "Comfort In Being Sad". Nevermind , thats only for me to understand i suppose. A few high schools later i ended up in the place where I reside in today and thats good ole Canyonlake , Texas.
It was here were i would start my life and would be what has made me who i am today.I was always curious , i always wanted the experience and it was the group of people i met along the way that got me there. It was where i got arrested for the 1st & 2nd time , it was where i did more drugs then i ever have before , but it was also a place where my mom thought would be a lot safer for her kids then in the city. It was here i realized that in the country there is nothing really to do but catch a buzz and fuck. At that time in my life thats what i always wanted to do so once again i blended in well. I dabled in Satanic Crap , played with hard drugs and rock-n-rolled as hard as anyone could. None of this im saying is good , and i hope my kids that read this dont think thats its o.k cause "DADDY DID IT" , but its the trial and error thats got me to where im at today. It was in Canyon Lake where i fell in love a couple of times and it was where i would take my addiction to drugs to a whole other level , it was a place of beauty , it was a place of sex , but most of all it was the same place that i would make it out of it all to have a wonderful wife and 3 beautiful boys. Still though i hurt girls and friends along the way(very few) , i made bad choices and managed in the heat of passion to have my 1st child.
September 3 , 1998 Tyler James Bishop was born and my life had made a BIG turn. My baby boy was born and all i could do was marry his momma to do what was best. It wasnt even a year later and we were getting divorced. The honeymoon was fun though , but it was our age that got the best of us. We were to young. It was then i became a womanizer , a fuctional druggy for the most part , and a daddy that was burning the candle at both ends that makes me sick to know i was still doing the shit i was doing with and without him. Only i have god to talk to about that. We made it through it.
Music was still a big part of my life and for 5 years i was a leadsinger in a band called Hoffman's Circus. At the time it was the best times of my life but looking back and listening , man we sucked! My singing for sure...but we sure had a whole lotta fun! I hold those times close. I was still out of my mind from all the partying! We held many shows , many practices and had to many close times which still has kept us all friends to this day. Boy i miss those days. I forgot to mention at this time im 18 years old and i have started what i would call a career in the timeshare business. I made lots of money in this time(for my age) and wish i would have saved now that im 31. Sex , Drugs & Rock-n-Roll led me me to no savings account , no structure and nothing but what could of been if i had made better choices in my life. Still , i am grateful for the lessons that were be continued