Tim profile picture



About Me

Hey,I'm Tim, I'm 26 and live in Atlanta. I've lived here for about 20 years, so I pretty much consider it my hometown, though I was born in Vancouver, BC. I'm currently a software engineer with Computer Associates, since they bought the company I worked for previous, Concord Communications. Lets see...I've been married for almost 3 years now! We have no kids yet, but I do have 3 nieces, which is pretty cool. I met my wife, Beth, at GaTech in 99, and we were married in March 2003. We were typical band geeks, and met, yes, at band camp. Can you be more of a band geek than being in the band at Georgia Tech? heh. I haven't played any organized music since graduation, though, unfortunatly.

My Interests

Cars and Motorcycles, Poker, Tennis, Racquetball


Live, Collective Soul, Folk Implosion, Drivin' and Cryin', Weezer


Donnie Darko, Memento, Gladiator


Scifi stuff like David Brin and Robert Heinlein, fluff stuff like Michael Crichton books and Harry Potter, and some classics like Watership Down.

My Blog

Inner Harmony

MySpace is promoting self esteem problems, I just want to be my own friend!  Now I'll have to be an asshole... Confirm Add Friend ...
Posted by Tim on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:16:00 PST