I never know what this means, who would i like to meet. Is it who I'm looking to meet on myspace or who in the history of the world would I like to sit and chat with, so we will cover both. On My Space I am looking to meet interesting people plain and simple. Now on the later question that would be a huge list so I'll put my top 5. The first would be Abraham Lincoln who happens to be a distant relative and was a great human being. The others would be Jesus(altough I'm not in a real rush to meet him but in time I diffenantly hope to), several of our founding fathers would be fasicinating to meet, Franklin, Jefferson,Washington and so fourth. The last one for now is on this list due to my scorpio trait that makes it real hard to not lash out when someone crosses that line, and Bin Laden most certainly crossed that line. I would like to meet this person(we will use person to keep a "PG" rating)so I could demonstarte the pain he caused to thousands of our "Dear Friends".