Heyy peoples, iss dezi !! uhh yeah lemme tell you a little sumin bout me. well, i took my ferst breathe on 021892. Born and raised here in Daly City. people tell me iem craziee and nice. yeah, i guess i am. but ferreal..i am a little crazziee...okay maybe alot but heyy thass me...iff yoo dont like it, ohh well.. not my problem is it. i like to think that i AM a nice person because i feel hella guilty if i make someone sad or mad or whatever. ask enywun. anywherez, iem always myself. i never try to be something iem not around someone jes to try to impress them. if they like me for who i am...YAY !! if they dont like me for anyreason, then let them talk their shit because, most likely it aint true. i love all everyone [unless they talk shit then, frek yoo =p]. i try to make every1 feel happy. iem not the kind of person that gets mad over stupid reason and then holds grudges..naw iem not like that. thats just not me.. iight, i guess that about sums it up..haha
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 10%
Romance - 97%
Self - Control - 96%
Kissing - 50%
Cuddling - 22%
Kinkiness - 89%
This cool quiz by KillianO - Taken 233270 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
Hmm...What to say about my DEZii? Well she is a great person all around. Shes very very very very very SEXY & she has a great personality. She is always happy, jolly, nice & kind to you. OHH YESS and she understands you when you are slow or are just being a loser haha. OH YEAH shes a great friend who will listen to your problems & she is just plain cool but at times me & her can just be DORKY but PROUD in other words WERE DORKY & PROUD.[member that? YOU BETTER!] haha juss keeding. but yess she always makes me laugh & just puts a smile on yer face!=] haha. SHES JUST ONE OF MY BESTEST FRiENDS[i hope] haha oh yeah cuz member we dont have any other friends! LMAO! We just stare at the computer sceen haha anyways....shes just plain COOL & LOVEABLE...so DONT MESS WITH HER OR START SHIT WITH HER ALRIGHTY? haha kk LOVE YOU DEZZZii! Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.
Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz!
Hey Dezirae! You wanna SMUCK? I'll give you a SMUCK.. what? Did you call me a smuck?! OH! You meant SMUCK! I see....... Ok I will write about you now. You are a SMUCK! Smucking is bad... *Slap slap slap* I still need mah MUNCHIES! Watch out for that fly! Am baho na man ng MY MOM mo!!! You farted a moment ago... ill finish this later. MWEAH HEAH! *buck teeth smile*^^ Aha... wow, I was really hyper. Anyways.. find your inner peace... fandango fandango fandango fandango fandango... oh yeah, I have to write about you. Mann I just read the munchies thing again.. hahahaha...OKay.. Dezirae... Is like the funniest person ever, lol. She even makes the stupidest stuff seem funnnyyy.. like.. flies, hahaha. Yes, and she has this infectious laugh! I can't take her anywhere!.... (more fandango quotes, hahah). Yeaaa i dunno what else to write, but Dezirae is COOOOOOOL, and do NOT give her any sugar.