We back, just know that! & never left! FRESH for 2008, SUCKAHS!
A Discussion on the Current State of Hip Hop...
Stardom, Sithlords, and More $9.99 Each
Member Since: 10/11/2005
Band Website: stilldemented.bonafydemag.com
Band Members: ALUWI----7: Act like u want it seven dayz a week....FURIOUS STYLES: ---- AKA Mr. Sith...
Influences: A7's influences:----Anything original and dope, the natural world, natural beings, and natural consequences. The old skool funk and jazz.Sith's influences: ----KRS, GURU, MC EIHT, REN, CUBE, KING T - ... I cant forget Native Tounges, Ghost and RAE, Jimi Hendrix, The Dramatics...
Sounds Like: The New Era in Hip Hop...a jazz, soul, and funk hybrid of intergalactic souls communicating
Record Label: Stiff Rakoon/ Demented Beat Apostles
Type of Label: Indie