Hello, We are Tenzin and Tynan, and we are the result of a act of faith, destiny and the stars above. When two prodigious beings are hard working, dedicated, loving and perpetually in love with each other, the result is Us.
Tenzin Sosefo William Carter was born Nov 19, 2005. He is in the top 98% for his height and weight. He loved the color blue, cell phones, art, drawing, reading, playing video and computer games, jamming next to his dad on his own guitar, driving, girls and music.
Tenzin digs the chicks with blond hair and big boobs, but they have to have a brain, he hates stupid people. Some of his favorites are Christina Aguilera, Shakira, Faith Hill and Carry Underwood.
Tynan Callum Blue Carter was born April 8, 2007. He is in the top 99% for height and weight. He loves the colors blue and green, cell phones, the remote control, saying Da-Da, rolling around, water, music, and girls.
Tynan likes dark girls, including Mary J Blige, Halle Berry, Jessica Alba, Angelina Jollie, and Rihanna.
We both love the Seahawks, Wrestling, Football and cooking. We love our adoptive siblings, Rakyia, Elijah, Josiah and sometimes baby Tristan. Grandma and Papa amuse us greatly and buy us whatever we want, and clothed in the latest fashions.