"Dream like you will live forever, Live like you will die tomorrow." -James Dean.My life in a nutshell would be a pretty big friggin nutshell... but here goes. Born and raised Manchester, New Hampshire so that accounts for my sarcastic nature and weird accent, so don't ask. I moved out to Cali at fifteen and started a new in this vast domain of smog... graduated in '03 (FINALLY!!) and started my college career at Citrus College as a music major, I am a woodwind player (alto/tenor/soprano/bari sax, bass/Bb clarinet, Flute, and Oboe). I am currently a student at Azusa Pacific University. I am just tryin to learn as much as I can about everything with music. I aspire to be a music teacher as well as a musician, and also write music. Although, I have had a few doors open with my playing, if you know me you know who i have recorded with and who I will be recording with, and all that I have done with music. I teach many different aspects... I am a certified ski and snowboard instructor, and I teach how to play woodwinds, and of course I am a working musician, in R&B/Blues Band, the New Buzz(formerly the Blues Buzzards,) various side gigs. I also love spending time at home with the coolest dog ever MILO!! And last but not least...in my little free time I work on my 1967 Ford Mustang...my SYLVIA!!!
You scored as
Bb Tenor Saxophone. You are the Bb Tenor Saxophone! A favorite pick of all porfessionals, including classical instrumentalist. You also have an amazing sound. You have to be the best Sax ever invented, Congrats!
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Sopranino
C Bass Saxophone
Bb soprano
Bb Soprillo Saxophone
C Melody Saxophone
Eb Alto Saxophone
F mezzo soprano Saxophone
Eb Contrabass Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone
C soprano Saxophone
Bb Bass Saxophone
F Baritone Saxophone
Which Saxophone are You?
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James --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'