Cach me if you can profile picture

Cach me if you can

I have walked threw the vally of the shadow of death, and I fear no evil because I am the bads't mut

About Me

I just got to Fort Hood a couple months ago and its not to bad only because Austin is 45 minutes away. I'm a pretty mellow laid back guy but I do like to go out to party's and clubs. I really love my mustang too. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Food, I like eating out at good Italian and Asian restaurants. I also like my Mustang.Probability of killing, 78%

You have seen much death, either in reality or in entertainment. you may hav killed someone already, or have tried to kill yourself. You probably need to see a psychiatrist for help. Avoid making enemies at all costs, and pursue a happy hobby

Are you capable of killing

I'd like to meet:

YOU ALL SHOULD WACH THIS VIDEO!!!!width="425" height="350" ..


Metal, hip-hop, punk, and lots of other shit. I'm open minded.


Action, crime dramas, comedy. I just like good movies.


Same thing really.


I dont really read books that often. I like mags like maxim and revolver.


Pat Tillman and Ben Zieske. Two soldiers that really showed their all to the death. Now that a real hero. Eat you hart out Tom Cruse.

My Blog

Year in review. Pre-deployment, deployment and re-deployment. In my words.

Lets start from the beginning shall we.  In early August  I arrived at Fort Campbell Kentucky.  I already new the the division was going to deploy soon to Iraq before I got there. ...
Posted by Cach me if you can on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:35:00 PST

Soldiers side

Loosen a brother is a hard thing to go threw.  Especially if its on you trained with and partyed with and you fought alone side with.  When i found out that my bro died I didn't believe...
Posted by Cach me if you can on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:47:00 PST

What i think

    I just came back from r&r leave last week and comeing from Iraq to the US was really not what I thout it would be.  I had one person call me a baby killer and I havent even...
Posted by Cach me if you can on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 06:30:00 PST