Outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. I love to Bike, and I'm a fair PS2 player. I love to read, and fancy myself something of a writer.
I like to meet fun and interesting people. Intelligence and a highly developed, dark sense of humor is a must. Anyone who can stimulate a good conversation, and maintain their end of it is cool by me. I like pretty people as much as the next woman, but I'm really not so shallow as to judge people based on looks, and I'm really not into people who do. They bore me.
I love all music. No holds barred. Some of my favorites are Joy Division, The Ramones, Suicidal Tendencies, and Janis Joplin, but this merely touches the surface. I Love house/trance, and My fave at the moment is DJ ATTaCK!, but I am a huge fan of Silky Productions out of Manchester featuring a personal favorite of mine- Dj Shaun de Bauch XXXX
Way too many to list. Monty Python movies are the best. I love comedies, and dramas. Especially military flicks. I'm NOT good with scary movies, but can't quite resist them either.
Generally never touch the stuff, but you can occasionally catch me watching a football game, or a stray episode of Will and Grace or Everybody Loves Raymond.
I'm a big classical Lit fan, and there are too many to mention them all. But I also love Stephen King, Robert Aspirin, and Joseph Conrad.
My Mother, My Dad, My Son.