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45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
Created by kat-n0s-kung-fu and taken 587728 times on Bzoink
whats your name spelt backwards?: EILLIB
What did you do last night?: Boedie
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: E-mail from mom
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: Hasn't everyone?
Last time you swam in a pool?: March...Port Arthur
What are you wearing?: Shorts n a tank
How many cars have you owned?: 7 or 8
Type of music you dislike most?: Elevator
Are you registered to vote?: Yep
Do you have cable?: Direct
What kind of computer do you use?: HP
Ever made a prank phone call?: Yep in high school
You like anyone right now?: YEAH
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: Is there money involved?
Furthest place you ever traveled?: Bahamas
What's your favorite comic strip?: Lockhorns
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: Yeah
Shower, morning or night?: Morning...bath at night
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: Walker Payne
Favorite pizza toppings?: Veggies
Chips or popcorn?: Popcorn
What cell phone provider do you have?: US Cellular and Verizon
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: um noo...can u?
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: Yeah...i know
Orange Juice or apple?: Apple
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: Boedie and Derek
favorite chocolate bar?: Take 5
Who is your longest friend and how long?: Amber....18 years
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: Last month???
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yeah
Favorite arcade game?: Frogger
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: yep..swivel sweeper..its AWESOME
Sprite or 7-UP?: 7-Up
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: Do scrubs count?
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: Motrin and Aloe Vera
Ever thrown up in public?: No
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: True Love
Do you believe in love at first sight?: LUST at first sight maybe
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: Yes
What message is on your voicemail machine?: Mine
Where would you like to go right now?: The bar or bed
Whats the name of your pet?: Mylie, Gabby, Gordy...ex has them though
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: None and nothing
What do you think about most?: Alyssa
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Survey says

If what im saying is too nasty, spit it back at me.
Dont you hate when radio stations continue to play the same songs?: YES
Did you really ever have "the talk"?: I gave "the talk"....3x's (3 daughters)
Do you currently have a tattoo on your body somewhere?: 5
Whens the last time you had your hair cut, or cut it yourself?: 2 months??
Was the last thing you drank carbinated?: Diet Coke
Do you ever match your shoes with your shirt?: Yes
What color is the blanket on your bed?: Sage
How are you sitting right now?: Legs Crossed
Does your bedroom door have a lock on it?: ABSOLUTELY
Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one?: yeah
Do you consider a family member one of your bestfriends, or close friends?: Yes
Do you do month-a-versarys when your in relationships?: No
Are you currently trying to quit something?: Bitchin
Are you guilty of saying "thats what she said" jokes?: no
Do you feel like song lyrics fit your situations sometimes?: alot of the time
Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?: blurt
Where did you grow up?: New Athens and Belleville
Whats the last thing you put in your toaster?: Dont have a toaster
Why do some people shave their arms?: who the hell knows??
Is there anything special you go to bed with?: Boedie
What do you do when you have no toliet paper?: Use a napkin
Have you ever ran away from home?: yes
Whens the last time you played with water balloons?: Sunday...the 12th
Have you ever participated in an eating competition?: no
What are you most likely to pick off of your pizza?: Sausage
Do you think babys have dreams?: yes
Are you wearing pants?: yes
Whats longer, your first name, or your middle name?: First
Do you ever put lotion on your legs?: everyday
Can you relate better to songs, or movies?: Songs
Ever dated someone in a band?: Yes
Do you own anything that has to be held together with duct tape?: ummm nooooo!
Whats better, home made cakes, or store bought ones?: depends on who made them
Do you actully knock on wood, when you say knock on wood?: yup
Who are the last people you saw kissing?: Boedie and Angel
Would you give your number to an attractive stranger?: not anymore
Whats the best advice your moms ever given to you?: Do what makes you happy
What is one reason to prove your friends, are better than anyone elses?: they are mine
Can you have a mature argument without using attitude?: If i HAD too
Have you ever had someone you like sing to you, or play guitar for you?: he sings to me ALL the time
The abc's are as easy as ____?: 123's
Do u say "no offence" when you really dont care if they're offended or not?: no
What do you like better, those singing cards, or the regular ones?: I love ALL cards
I know you hate this, But i just want to know.
Should i keep making surveys, i mean are mine okay, or boring?: keep makin em
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Does anyone beleve in HONESTY anymore?

  Do you think anyone realizes how important truth is?  And I know I can't be the only person who thinks that hiding things from someone is the same as lying to them.  If you have to do...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 05:22:00 GMT