The Rouge Balloon, like all great things, began with hummus and carrots.
For several weekends in spring, Nikola would visit Rosie, to impart what limited knowledge of the guitar he had gathered, from years of trial and error. And for those several weekends, Rosie would greet Nikola's tuition with an open mind, and more importantly, with an open offering of hummus and carrots.
Perhaps it was the music or perhaps it was the nibbles, but a bond resonated between the two, which was only strengthened when Nikola learned of Rosie's vocal and lyrical talents and Rosie learned of Nikola's compositional skills. From that point on, it was mutually agreed. The two would play 'Blackbird' no longer.
They began throwing around ideas for songs and the ones that they caught are the ones sitting before you today. It is safe to say that many a great thing has occurred when two people have met. When Simon met Garfunkel, when McCartney met Lennon or even when Harry met Sally. But this little duo, tips its hat to the unsung hero of their own short tale, the time that the hummus met the carrot.
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