Helen Aka Twinkle... (: Blonde Hαir [&&] Blυe Eуes
I'm From Liverpool...I want to move.
Id say, life is going great for me atm.
My Family are amazing. As Are my friends
I Fliiirt Way to much.and I find it hard not to laugh in Awkward Situations.
I'm the type of girl who can watch a ton of scary movies without screaming but i flip out when the bread comes out of the toaster
I'm Opinionated & argumentative
I appreciate the small things in life
I cant go a day with listening to music
and theres not a day goes by where i don't 'cry with laughter' Tea.Coffee.Cherry coke.Galaxy && Coke Zero;
Rule my life.
As you can see, im pretty boring.. And theres not much more I can 'write here' So Like add me? Yarr? Taaaa (: