Jon Miller profile picture

Jon Miller

I'm Seriously

About Me

Myspace LayoutsWhere to start...
I'm currently living in the Jersey Village Area and working in Houston doing I.T. stuff, among a few other things.

As far as me personally, i'm very goal oriented - i know where i want to be in life, and i will keep pushing myself until i get there. I like meeting new people, making new friends. I've got a great collection of friends, but you can never have too many. Greedy? Maybe. I don't think i'm going to lose sleep over it though.

My Interests

it just depends on what day of the week it is and who i'm hanging out with

I'd like to meet:

Brittany Spears, so i can smack her in the face. Enough said.


I like 80's music! I wasn't allowed to listen to rock music when i was a kid, which means i missed out on this entire era, so it is all new to me. As far as everything else, it really all depends on the song. As far as preferences, i'll vary between hip-hop and country, or maybe some classic rock. Don't really like alternative all that much though.


Not a big TV fan, but there are a few that I like:

    Family Guy
    Boston Legal
    Surreal Life

Take the quiz:
What South Park Character Are You?

You're an original PIMP! You know your way with the ladies/gents and you know how to satify. Everyone likes you and you like everyone.


umm... yea... i usually like the books on tape or the movie version of it


New York City Fire Department. While everyone else was running out of the building, they were the ones running in.