Skiing, and since it is snowing now....I am not really interested in much else. When the snow melts I may change this....but I will still be thinking of skiing.
Lately?, Tom Cruise, so I can park my car on his face.....what a douche.
Pearl Jam. My musical tastes change with my mood, and the weather......but then I listen to Pearl Jam some more.
I would list my top 5 but you would disagree and think I gave a shit.....I don' here you go. Braveheart Big Fish Garden State Billy Madison Tommy Boy
Same idea with my movies....but if I am going to waste time watching TV I am going to make it really stupid TV like the OC. Oh....and why do you care what TV I watch.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - What are those?
My Parents - you would have to know them to understand. Superman - He can fly for Christ's sake Batman - He has no super powers....just cool toys. The man who invented Beer (THANK YOU)