Heat Delivery Inc. profile picture

Heat Delivery Inc.

Quench the thirst for action!

About Me

Heat Delivery Inc. is a registered association established in the spring of 2008. Yes, that's right, we mean business and our business is rock'n'roll. We are determined to produce good quality Psychobilly and Rockabilly oriented shows in and around the city of Helsinki. That being said, don't be stunned to find various styles being blended together at our evenings. No dress code, no politics, no rules. Suggestions for bands, venues, activities, etc. are highly engouraged.
Our second event is guaranteed to give you chills, thrills and all in all good vibrations. This time it's a masquerade party, good news for you who always wanted to paint a huge "S" on your chest, wear underwear over your tights and have a cool cape on your shoulders but never really had the guts to go for it in public. On 1st of november our motto, no dress code, takes on a whole new different meaning. This time, honestly, anything goes!!! The best part is, if you go really over the top, amaze, shock, even disturb or just plainly leave everybody else in awe with your costume, there is a price in it for you!
On this very special evening held at the Texas Outback Bar and Grill live music entertainment will be provided by the mesmerizing Cosmic Cockfish Jukebox and the danish sensation that is the Hola Ghost. And while the guitars and drum machines stay quiet the bar doesn't. 2 top DJ's will spin a carefully selected set of horror themed rock'n'roll just for our you, our honourable guests. So dear friends, start planning for the ultimate disguise and get ready! See you in Texas!
This MySpace profile was created to act as a way to advertise, to get in touch with people and bands, finnish and foreign. Join our friend list if you are intrested in knowing what we have planned for the future, if you think we should check out your band or you can't get your head around e-mail. Our hope is that the information finds as many people as possible. After that you may vote with your feet but you can't say you didn't know there was something happening. Please don't add us just because you think the higher the friend count, the cooler you are. That is not true.
All gossip, news and such can be found here at out MySpace site which will be updated from time to time. Optional way is to check out the roketsuvoorum.com message board, but that is unfortunately only for finns.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/20/2008
Band Members: Matias V.
Mikko V.
Jyrki I.

Influences: Psychobilly from the early 80's to the present day.
Rockabilly from the dawning of time to all eternity.
Surf from the shores to the waves.
50's rock'n'roll in all it's devilishness and nastiness.
Punk from safety pins to the skateboards.
Ska from Trenchtown to the merry ole UK.
Country from dust to diesel.
Exotica with minty mohitos and a small umbrella on top.

Sounds Like: ...pardon my french, but like a fuckin' parteeee!!!
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

3rd Fwiuvis Masquerade is almost here!

It's that time of the year once again... time to disguise yourselves! This year the party will be held on All Hallows Day which just so happens to be saturday aswell. So, on 1st of November your order...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 06:56:00 GMT

Thank you lovelies!!!

After catching our breath for a few days it's nice to look back at last weekend and realise what a success it really was. The turnout was good, bands kicked butt and smiling faces filled the dance flo...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:54:00 GMT