useless wooden toys, devices of extraordinary volume, budwieser, capturing light onto gelatin and silver particle film, 4 am phone calls, real friendships, the human experience, stir fry's, cooking, bombing hills, sonic oblivion, the correlation between sarcasm and sincerity, appreciating things as they are.
"The Dude", Ewoks, our Nana's, more people who carve their own niche in the world and follow their heart.
The Beatles, The Clash, Pygmy Lush, Black Flag, Haram, Willie Nelson, Minutemen, The Who, My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, David Bowie, Majority Rule, Jawbreaker, Red Fang, From Ashes Rise, Yo La Tengo
The Big Lebowski, Nacho Libre, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fight Club, Ruben and Ed, Annie Hall, Napolean Dynamite, Finding Nemo
Public Broadcast nature documentarys, Big Love, the nightly news
Breakfast of Champions, Still Life with Woodpecker, The Stranger, Metamorphosis, Story of B, Lullaby, Black Spring, dysfunctional, Catcher in the Rye, 9 stories, Planet Joe, Manchild in the Promised Land, Ham on Rye, general: Bukowski
Chuck Palahniuk, Daniel Quinn, Henry Miller, Chomsky, J.D. Salinger, Henry Rollins, Tom Robbins, skate mags, HeartattaCk.
Ian Macaye