Ministry, Sports, Music - I love old school black gosepl music - especially mass choirs. Business, I like movies.
Jesus - face to face!Michael Jordan - Hey if you grew up in North Carolina - You wanna meet Mike!Tyler Perry - Madea!Bugs Bunny!The Guy who invented Bubble Rap - what a Genuis!
John Absher Ministries
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J-Moss Mississippi Mass Choir United Live John P Kee The Clark Sisters Alexander Sanctuary Choir Christ Church Choir Chris Tomlinson Danny Chambers
Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, Pirates of the Carribean, National Treasure, Fever Pitch, Gettysburg, the Patriot.
NCAA Basketball, NFL & NCAA Football - the only true reality TV! I hate to admit it but I like "Friends" reruns. I have not committed yet but I am under intense pressure from many to become a "24" junkie. American Idol is Idolatry :) actually I can't stand that show. I don't watch tv except for sports, movies, and occassionally reruns of "Friends". I like TV Land - Andy Griffith, What's Happening, Hogan's Heroes, F-Troop - old school stuff when it was clean and actually funny!
THE BIBLE - Still the all time best seller! Anything By Bill Hybels, George Barna, Ed Young, and other Pastors.
Jesus, Michael Jordan (82 National Championship shot - thanks Michael)! The men and women risking their lives for our nation in the armed forces! My parents and family they are excellent examples of Jesus' love!. Pastor Ross - he really is a mentor in my life! Pastor Stephen Sebyala for all he has endured in Africa for the Gospel and Pastor Paul Ai for serving Christ in Vietnam Communist Prison Camps when most American Christians won't get out of bed if the have sniffle to go to church on Sunday Morning! Johannes Armritzer - Swedish Evangelist who is willing to go where angels fear to tread!