Cell of Reality - recorded with Joe Wood:
Thanks for stopping by to read this. My name is Dave I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to music and like a wide range from rock to electronic music. This site is just a way for me to express myself and share some of my music with you. Primarily I am a guitarist and have been playing for approximately 10 years (maybe more), I have been writing songs for as long as I've been able to play but teamed up with Joe Wood about 7 years ago and we have been in numerous bands. It seems however, that we have a good musical affinity and whatever idea is brought forward, either by Joe or myself, gets warped out of all recognition through the musical intervention of the other person. However, this is usually a positive experience.There is also a lot of other music that I have recorded with various talented individuals, and these can be found on here. I try to steer aways from singing, as I am quite limited in range and ability but have been known to break this little rule from time-to-time. I will have to work out if I'm brave enough to showcase those songs on here ;)