Him who is the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, the Lamb of God, the Captain of our Salvation, the Bread from Heaven, the Water of Life, the Good Shepherd, the Prince of Peace, the King of kings and Lord of lords- JESUS CHRIST, my LORD and SAVIOR.Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Wolfgang Puck, Oprah Winfrey..
Alternative Rock, R&B, Praise & Worhsip
Green Mile, Men of Honor, Pay it Forward, I am Sam, Little Princess, Cruel Intentions, Moulin Rouge, Godfather, Matrix, The Patriot, Forrest Gump, Scent of a Woman, Legends of the Fall, Meet Joe Black, Cutting Edge, Passion of the Christ, Gremlins, Never Ending Story, Edward Scissorhands, Ghostbusters, Disney Cartoons, etc.
Fear Factor, Amazing Race, Sex and the City, Alias, Smallville, Angel, Felicity, East Meets West, Wolfgang Puck, Oprah, Takeshi's Castle, Batibot, This is Your Day, etc.
The Bible, Art of War, Prayer of Jabez, The Alchemist, Falling Leaves, Timeline, The Joy Luck Club, Harry Potter, Like Water for Chocolate, Tuesdays w/ Morrie, Conversations w/ God, Colors of the Mountain, Sophie's World, Calvin & Hobbes, Professional Cooking, etc.