I am RosieThis is basically me
I like to cut stuff up like random pieces of paper and labels and stuff.
: I can do lots of accents!
: I am scared of sharks and I don't drink or smoke.
: I'm a very good girl
: I'm that person that sits there every morning watching foreign news.
: I read the newspaper.
: I'm interested in politics.
: I'm interested in science of the human body.
::: People ask my opinion on both.
: I'm looked up to.
My own golden rule is: Do unto others as you would have other do unto you.
: In other words, if I take the time to love you as a person and find out about your culture, religion or lifestyle, you should do the same to me.
::: I would do it for you... I would do almost anything for you.
My rule doesn't often work in my favour, but I don't care.
:: I'm not judgemental because I believe the word 'judge' has bad connotations.
:I'm not racist for the same reason.
:I just pick out similarities in people of the same culture and talk about it...
:::Some people take it badly.
: I'm shy at first.
: I have inhibition. I have a social conscience.
: I'm harder on myself than anyone else is on me, or than I am on anyone else.
: I have no enemies. I don't hate people, in fact, I love people. All people.
::: Probably you.
... I don't understand why people have to wake up early when there's nothing to do.
... I don't understand why people don't know the media is crap.
... I don't understand why people care what happens after we're here, when we can do so much to just be happy where we are now.
... I don't understand soul searching.
... I don't understand anybody who eats tomatoes.
I have a diverse and simply beautiful group of friends! Amy Jarrad Fugsy Kat Shehan Sarah Vibha Snowy MikMaggieYou Are My SUNSHINE!
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