‡-|SinisterDomme|-‡ Insatiable [Her Sea<3] profile picture

‡-|SinisterDomme|-‡ Insatiable [Her Sea&lt;3]

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



Name: Sinister
Age: 17
Sex: Female (on the outside)
Location: New York
Orientation: Bi
Status: Taken/Taken
School: College
Height: 5'10''
Hair Length: Long (to my ass)
Eye Color: Grey/Blue/Green -_-'
Birthday: March 24th, 1991
Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Boricua
Favorite Color: Blood Red, black, white
Music Genre: Rock
Movies: Constantine, Hard Candy, The Illusionist, Taken, Phantom of the Opera, The Tattooist, etc.
TV: Anime, House, Nip/Tuck

Before I start, let me make this clear. I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend.
So I do not want to date you or fuck you.
You cannot be my slave, and I don't want you to be.
If that doesn't make you want to run away because you can't have me, then read on.

Honesty is the most important thing to me. Lies disgust me, and therefore, liars bring about the same feeling. People who lie habitually for their own gain, selfishly stepping all over everyone around them to get what they want make me remember why I hate the human race.

If you want to get close to me, then do not lie, especially not about anything serious. If I find you to be a soulless, emotional leech, I will not continue this silly game with you. I will never let you near me again.
Believe it or not, my good side is a very opportune place to be...if you can stay there.

I'm a sick Dominant and a blood fetishist, and yes, that's a warning.

I have Albinism, and I'm exceedingly happy for it. It makes me legally blind, and I have a rare blood disorder attached to it. By respecting my blindness I'm able to see the world in a different way than the rest of you. I wouldn't trade that for 20/20 vision, even if a simple surgery could fix my eyes.

I like being focused on sounds, smells, and touch. I feel that my world is vivid and exciting that way. I'm sensitive to light, so I dwell in the dark and avoid the sun (naturally). It causes me to prefer to feel the ones I love (not everywhere you idiot), know them by their smell, and pick up on the suttle nuances of their voice. I can pick up on small emotional changes and hear things from far away, so I like my sensory abilities.

I dress in dark colors, generally black. I wear purely fashionable corsets and occasionally a restrictive one. I don't do it in some sad attempt to be different or stand out, I do it because it feels right to me and it matches my sexuality.

No, I won't put you on my top if you ask.
No, I won't tell you how to make a page like mine.
No, I won't like you right away.
No, I don't want to date you.
No, I don't want you as my slave (you're not good enough).
No, I don't care if you hate me.
Yes, I'm glad you do.

Message me if you want to know more than what's written below.


Putting people in their place, writing, poetry, drawing, analyzing people, openminded people, speaking with my friends, leading others, HTML coding, graphic design, athiests, humble and shy girls, fun of all kinds *smirks*.


Everything, not including what's written above. Most likely you, if you're not one of the people over there ---->

More descriptive?
Pop music.
50 Cent.
Rap for the most part.
Large Parties.
People who bitch because complaining and bitching are two different things.
Guys that act like chicks only because they think girls like that shit.
Prince charmings.
Damsils in distress.
Sluts who lie about it.
Emo bitches who want my pity.
Falsely suicidal people.
My ex-school.
Being forced to donate towards anti-AIDS organizations whenever buying a piece of red technology.
Anyone who thinks that makes me pro-AIDS.
Assholes who hurts my friends.
People in the closet.
People who misuse the word "love".
Everyone who hates me (about 99.42% of the population).
Global Warming enthusiasts.
Gay bashers.
Black History month (pride should not be designated for one specific month).
Bush (the ex-president, I happen to like the other kind quite a bit).
Racists (I don't descriminate, I hate almost everyone).
Drunk Drivers.
My cousin matthew (his name doesn't deserve a capitol).
Renting apartments to fucktards with 20 kids.
People who have more than 3 kids.
People that don't pick up their dogs' shit.
J Walkers.
Professional Sports (except boxing and goalball).
TERRIBLE writers.
Text shortcuts/slang.
Americans who don't call themselves American.
Anyone with less than a 115 IQ.
People who think IQ is meaningless.
Scholarships that don't take grades into account.
The Burger King King O.O
The Geico money and cavement.
Super muscular men.
Twiggy women.
Those who claim "Love at first sight".
Gold Diggers.
Religious people.
Those against capital punishment, stem cell research, and contraception.
Puppy kickers.
Vegetarians (you deny our animal nature, that which none of us are above).
Women who smack men and think the guy shouldn't hit back.
Psycho moms who beat, steal, and lie to their kids.
Cheaters (in relationships).
People who think that fantasizing about gay sex doesn't make you at least bi.
Gay people who hate bisexuals.
Boys who think pursuing rapping is a real step towards a career.
Anyone who got made while reading this.

And all the like...


Nine Inch Nails, Nickelback, Skillet, Lit, Paramore, Flyleaf, Deftones, Sugarcult, Breaking Benjamin, A Perfect Circle, Saosin, TATU, Jack's Manequin, Incubus, My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, AFI, HIM, Coheed and Cambria, Seether, Marilyn Manson, Evanescence, The Academy Is, Saliva, Thursday, Finger Eleven, Tokyo Hotel, Daughtry, Shiny Toy Guns, Collide, Thriving Ivory, Crossfade, Cold, Katy Perry, Frou Frou, John Legend, Kanye West, Nightmare of You, etc.


(Bondage Discipline Dominance Submission Sadism Masochism)
Dirty, and bloody
Rape games, mental bondage, orgasm denial
Cutting, blood, biting, hickies, bruises, welts, scars
Humiliation, pussy worship, roleplay
Someone who wants to push their limits
A masochist
A girl who wants to be tortured
And harmed in some way
Someone to be controlled
To obey me
I want a slave
Not a bullshit submissive
It's all or nothing.


This is my girlfriend, my pet. She's intelligent, creative, inspiring, entertaining, loyal, and beautiful. I love and respect her deeply. 4/5/09 <3
Hurt her, and face my wrath...

Beautiful in all meanings of the word, unconditionally loyal, and loving to a fault.

Don't let her good looks mislead you, she'll strangle you with that silken mane, and walk away laughing (if you're lucky).

She's easy to like, hard to hate, and fun to mutilate (Ooo, eat your heart out Dr. Seuss...gay bastard...).

Mi hermana Latina. She's a hottie with a heart of gold. (Parental Advisory: This bitch is loud!)

Mysterious in her silence, and intriguing in her sweetness.

Brains and brawn, who could ask for more? ;)

Energetic and out of the box. She's psycho and fit, but has random hunger streaks (protect your lunch o_o).

Adventurously cute and outgoing with a sweet tat. :)

Flirty and spirited. I'd write more, but we've only talked for a week in the past 3 years -_-'

Sarcastic and twisted at just the right time, protect your weak spots...

Creative eutrepreneur with ambition and a kind smile.

Everywhere at once, a digital camera always in hand.

A little Casanova with more potential than he knows.

"The slave escapes her bonds to find a stronger set of chains."

"You have to get past the pleasure stage, until you reach the stage of tears."

"No kind of sensation is keener and more active than pain it's impressions are unmistakable."

"The simplest and most effective form of reward is privilege. The slave who is allowed greater intimacy with the dominant and a more advanced level of service will feel treasured as the valuable possession she is."

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

"Lips that taste of tears, they say, are the best for kissing."

"Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year?"

"What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul."

"We've trivialized the vampire. I think it happened about the time 'Count Chocula' found its way to cereal boxes."

"There is something rhythmical about the female body...its contours are at once gentle and soothing yet demanding and exciting..whatever force designed this well knew how to blend beauty and strength, submission and control, dominance and persuasion into a single design element.. it is mystical and simple... and a joy to see both moving and frozen in time..."

"If I must die, I will encounter darkness as a bride and hug it in my arms."

"You should've learned by now, this is a kill or be killed world. If you're too weak to help yourself, you deserve to fall."

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."

"Rape is just sex you didn't know you wanted."

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion."

"There is a joy in sorrow which none but a mourner can know."

"Only the dead have seen the end of the war."

...Now Plead for Me

My Blog

All We Have in Common Are T&A

    I'm just so very sure that you're glad to see me. That might've been sarcasm, or might not have, I can't really tell at this time. I'm here to tell you all what I was thinking about...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:39:00 GMT

It May Not Be Rape, But You Might Be Munipulated

Hello my friends and welcome to my blog. I'll try to update once a week or more but if I find nothing to write about once the novalty of my blog runs out, I won't bother. Ok well this entry is about h...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:26:00 GMT


      Hello my wonderful readers, and hello dumbasses too, can't forget you all... Well I'm brought to the keyboard to report something that's been argued about constantly. Th...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:31:00 GMT

First Entry, and it's Nearly 5:30 AM...?

Hello humans, and welcome to my blog. You may know me or you may have stumbled upon me, and in that case I will say... I will make you want to yell at me and throw china plates at your mother. But tha...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 02:29:00 GMT