People who respect themselves and others. People who are not afraid to speak up for themselves."" I was given this by a very wise person""When you cannot see what is happening in a group, do not stare harder. Relax and look gently with your inner eye.When you do not understand what a person is saying, do not grasp for every word. Give up your efforts. Become silent inside and listen with your deepest self.When you are puzzled by what you see or hear, do not strive to figure things out. Stand back for a moment and become calm. When a person is calm, complex events appear simple.To know what is happening, push less, open out and be aware. See without staring. Listen quitely rather than listen hard. Use intuition and reflection rather than trying to figure things out.The more you can let go of trying, and then are open, the more receptive you become, the more receptive become, the more easily youu will know what is happening.Also, stay in the present. The present is more available than either memories of the past or fantasies of the futureSo attendin to what is happening now.......
I like that head-nod, hip hop, true school flavor, supa emcee ish. Not only do I bump that, but also : salsa, charanga, guaguanco, pachanga, dub, reggae, jazz, rock, funk, soul...and the list continues.....
No time
My Mother. "Spiritual Guide" "Warrior" "Hustler"