World of Warcraft. Stuff, stuff and more stuff; really just a lot of stuff.
Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
What's Your Element?
which member of something positive are you?
quiz created by heatherbat
Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
What Kind of Candy Are You?
You scored as Anarchism.
The one for me, or perhaps two or three, just as long as it's lovingly.
System of a Down, Queen, Girls in a Coma, Caviar, Spacehog, Harvey Danger, Junior Senior, Moby, Fatboy Slim, Weezer, Green Day(ok, but wearing thin), Marcy's Playground, Madonna(yes I happen to be a little gay), Christina Aguilera, no Britney 'though(maybe the music, but not the person), Techno, Rock, Sappy, Sexy
Dogma, The Prophecy Trilogy, Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain, Big Eden, Touch of Pink, The Guru, The Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Moulin Rouge, Pecker. The Potter series, Latter Days, Party Monster
Charmed, Smallville, Veronica Mars, Everbody Hates Chris, Book of Daniel, Crumbs, Scrubs, Medium
The Hobbit, The Ulitmate Hitchhiker's Guide, Magic: The Gathering fiction, To Dance With Kings, Extravagant Universe, various occult books
What Are YOUR Wings Made of?(Gorgeus Pics)
Light- Your wings are made of LIGHT. You have a more optimistic outlook on life in general. You enjoy being alive. You try hard to believe that there is good in everyone no matter how hard it is to see in them, you could probably find it in your heart to forgive a serial murderer. You're known mostly for your innocence and forgiving nature and people either love you or hate you. There's no in-between with you. You are most compatible with...WIND
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