Channeling narrative aspects of HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION, DEAD ON SITE revolves around a group of college students who attempt to unravel the year-old, unsolved murders of the Sackett family, who were butchered in their home and whose killer has yet to be found. The twist here is that the students; investigation of the crime is broadcast live on the web as is the subsequent unraveling of their psyches.Produced by Mark Headley, Clay Frey, Tamara Mack, Brian Aldo, & Jennifer Osbourne from Medrosa Productions, and directed by Rob Walker, DEAD ON SITE filmed adjacent to a real-life maggot farm in Catalina, Arizona, this past February, and stars Andre Mazire, Jaime Perkins, Alisha Reis, Robbie Daymond, Mai-Ly Duong, Christopher Burnham, and Maggie Guzman.
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