Zoey&Jasmine profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We live In Venice with our dad, Sinner. My name is Zoey and Jasmine is my little sister so don't fuck with her. We love to sleep all day long on the porch til our dad gets home to feed us then we bug his ass for food. After, we enjoy playing with the rope around the house and chewing up plastic bottles so He has to clean it all up . We love to go to the beach and we love water more then anything . We take up the whole bed just to piss him off but he is such a sucker he lets us and he gives us lots of treats like pigs ears and boi sticks . We catch atleast 1 possom a month and kill it . You would think those dumb fucks would stay out of are yard but nope .. We love our dad even though he is a little weird but at least that fucker doesn't dress us up in clothing like some of you other freaks out there

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other dogs that like to kick it and go to the dog park and beach . We're both fixed so we are not interested in any males trying to hump us and piss all over our stuff so if your just looking to get laid please move on thanks .. .. DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ? img src="http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/4260/dogssummerbra5lu. jpg" alt

My Blog


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4202271351746712062& pr=goog-sl
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:19:00 GMT