About Me
Ehhh! Sup my name is Philip, I come from Puna side, Yup tru dat gotta represent. im 17 yeas old, I get one braddah & two sistas, but dey all older den me, yeah I da youngest,I get two neices & one nephew, I like to dance, and not da boring kine dancing, im talking about pop n lock, break dancing,krupin, krunkin,ect. I drink, I hardly eva drink beer, it's all about da hards, Im into Import cars(honda's, acura's,ect.) racing, im into racing too. Um, music I like all kines of music, hawaiian, jahwaiian, rap, rock, r&b, techno, pop,& freestylin, For clotes I try ta keep up wit the laytest trends, Ecko, sean john, roca wear, south pole, brooklyns, phat farms, you know dem. Things dat I hate, I hate stuck up people or people dat aint strait up, you know wat I mean, alwayz keep it strait n alwayz keep it real, I learned that from a "special somone." Things dat I look for in a girl is not a girl, im lookin for a woman, because to me a girl is someone who is not yet mature enough to be a woman,& a woman dat I have in mind has ta have honesty, someone whos alwayz gonna keep it real, someone who aint neva gon be frontin on me, someone who can trust in me & in return they'll find the same amount of respect from me, I thought I found that someone, but she just drifted away, I give much respect to everyone, family, friends, & everyone else.
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