I am the glorious ruler of the land of Jimbabweh (my real name incidentally). If I told you where upon the Earth my nation is I would literally have to murder you with a low F sharp 7th string breakdown to the face causing your brain to inflate like a blimp until it oozes out your nose and onto your new pair of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sneakers. Seriously. I planned to take over the world with my elite ninja pirate warriors, but I'm taking a break to purse this strange 'music' thing. I'm trying to be successful at that, so world domination is a secondary priority right now. One day I will be crowned ruler of the universe for all eternity and make you clean my toilets with your tongue, but until then check out this band that I play bass in called Sacred Storm. They named the band after me, for I am the Sacred Storm that will pwn your mom and your president.