CORPOCRACY: Outsourcing of America profile picture

CORPOCRACY: Outsourcing of America

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


Why Outsourcing America's Jobs Has Inadvertently Outsourced... OUR MIDDLE CLASS!! ("As the middle class goes, so goes America.")

The United States of America is the engine of Democracy and the engine of growth for the rest of the world. But it's now losing steam as the country becomes more debt ridden, allowing the puppet masters of globalization to corrode the very foundations that made this country the world leader.CORPOCRACY examines the history and effects of globalization on the middle class and how a change in public policy may already be too late. Told from the point of view of the policy makers on Capitol Hill, the film looks at different aspects of globalization-from NAFTA to immigration to the falling dollar-and how the recession we are facing today could be far more dangerous for the people of tomorrow.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You, because as an American you've learned that even as we give billions of dollars in goods (and dollars) to most countries on the planet, our own country way of life (and certainly our middle class) has greatly eroded and is now in danger of collapse. We have been lured into deceptive trade practices with cheap goods and higher profits and have been sold a load of bull, and you are the kind of person who wants to keep the best parts of America and not have it sold off. You finally see through the illusion (cheap t-shirts from China really do mean Uncle Charlie loses his manufacturing job and yet another plant shuts down). I don't have to tell you we're paying more and making less; you can feel it and you want to do something about it. So if you're ready to take back the power, then you're just the person we want to meet.

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My Blog

Three Things to Ponder:

1. Cows 2. The Constitution 3. The Ten Commandments COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada al...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 20:22:00 GMT