I'm going to UMO and majoring in the New Media program which I think sucks considering what I want to work with is makeup, masks, and props. Currently, I'm sitting in a classroom full of computers while my main focus is makeup. The old school, time consuming, computer free effects you see in only the best horror and zombie films which is something they don't offer around here. So, after college I'm moving to California to take classes there that specialize in hands on effects and I hope to one day own a company. I skate, played football for 9 years, and used to wrestle with my friends in a backyard ring during high school. I modify my car and truck, socialize, party, work, draw, and exercise. I'm one of the last gentlemen you will ever meet. I'm not the best talker and never really have been. I'm not conceited at all. I get pissed off quickly at those who say one thing and do another. I have great work ethic and morals. I always have energy. My family, and friends have always been my most important priority. I put on a haunted house every year that draws around a hundred people, so you should come check it out!