I paint. I am into art in nearly every form and though my medium is oil paint, I take great inspriation from others and their talent, musicians', writers', intellectuals...
Women In Art
One day one of mine will be here.
CHEMISTRY. Interesting people. I am not looking for sheep, I am interested in people that can think for themselves and think outside the box. Life is not black and white, there is a whole box of crayons to choose from. I am not political or religous but I have an opinion on both. My sarcastic nature is a defense mechanism and it works for me. I have a great sense of humor and enjoy an over emotional moment now and then. I studder when I am nervous and a fettish of tatoos and Scottish accents. Neither of which I have myself. Historically I would like to meet Jim Morrison and Jim Henson.
Alternative, not like "alternative" but TOOL, Foo Fighters, Beastie Boys... 96.5 is the savior of modern music. I dig techno for the pulse and the way it makes me feel and classic rock cause it makes me think of my childhood and my hippy parents. For me, country is too depressing and if I can't understand the words... then it's not worth listening to. I dig live shows in club settings, arena shows are out dated and not nearly as good.
John Hughes films. Love John Hughes films. I'm in to spook movies, mostly for the laugh factor and the special fx. Comedies are great, Stripes, Monty Python.. don't always get the Brittish humor but I like their liberal tongue and cheek.
Travel Channel,LOVE the Travel Channel! Comedy Central Presents and LOST, Heroes..
Lame as it sounds, art books, poetry and plays. Magazines are for pictures, the articles aren't that good, let's be honest. Painting is hard work man! Currently reading "Eroticism & Art" by Alyce Mahon."
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My mom, she's awesome. My sister is also admirable because she has a successful marriage and a great family; even though the witch lives like 600 miles away!