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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Igor Plemic alias Plema,rodjen 23.01.1991,I odrastao u Zemunu,poceo je jos od malena da slusa Hip-Hop ,I da polako pronalazi sebe u svemu tome.Prvu pesmu je sa Vukom snimio radi fore,kako bi obojica videli da li su sposobni za tako nesto…I tako je sve pocelo,8.Decembra.2006 godine.Poceo je da se zanima za muzicku produkciju jos ranije,pre ikakve saradnje sa Vukom.Inspirisan je mnogim poznatim muzicarima,kako liricki,tako I muzicki(Instrumentalno).Uprkos raznim negativnim kritikama na brojne pesme na engleskom jeziku,oni I dalje teraju svoje,insistirajuci na svojoj individualnosti I stilu muzike kojom su poceli da se bave,I stvorili sopstveni moto:”Nikad ne odustaj”,kojeg ce se zauvek drzati… ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ Igor Plemic a.k.a Plema,born on January 23rd 1991, & grew up in Zemun,began to listen to Hip-Hop from the early age, and began slowly finding himself in all that.The 1st song he did with Vuk,was done only because of fun,and for them to see if they were capable of such a feet…And that’s how it all began,on the December 8th 2006.He began to show interests for music producing even earlier, than any collaboration with Vuk.He is inspired by a lot of famous musicians, lyrically and also music wise(Instrumentally).In spite of multiple negative critiques on a numerous songs in English,they still push on their will, insisting on their own individuality and style of music they chose to do, and by doin that they have created their own motto:”Never Give Up”,which they will hold on to forever…////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////Vuk Samojlovic alias Che-Woo,rodjen 11.11.1988,odrastao je u Zemunu,i svoja prva interesovanja za Hip-Hop je poceo da pokazuje krajem osnovne skole.Igrom slucaja negov rodjak je slusao Hip-Hop I time se Vuk zaintersovao za takav tip muzike.Pred kraj 2006-te godine je sa Igorom odlucio da se oproba u snimanju pesama cisto radi zezanja.Od tada,tacnije od 8.Decembra 2006-te,on je u saradnji sa Igorom snimio veliki broj pesama koje iako na Engleskom jeziku,I dalje zadrzavaju svoj jedinstveni zvuk.Njegova inspiracija su razni muzicari ,ali vecinom reperi koji su na njega ostavili veliki utisak I time mu pomogli da uspostavi I stvori svoj stil repovanja.Veliki broj ljudi se bunilo zato sto on I Igor repuju na Engleskom, ali u interesu njihove muzike I jedinstvenosti oni su nastavili da snimaju pesme koje su po njima jednostavno njihov nacin izrazavanja. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ Vuk Samojlovic a.k.a Che-Woo,born on November 11th 1988,grew up in Zemun,and his first interests for Hip-Hop started by the end of elementary school.By luck his cousin was listening to Hip-Hop and that’s how Vuk got interested in that type of music.At the end of 2006,along side of Igor he decided to try recording songs just for fun.Since then,since December 8th 2006 to be precise he recorded numerous songs in collaboration with Igor, all dough in English they still poses their unique sound.His inspiration are various musicians,but mostly rappers wich had a big influence on him, and by doin that helped him to establish and craft his own style of rapping.Big number of people was against the fact that they rap in English,but in the interest of their music and uniqueness they have continued on recording songs which by their opinion are simply their way of expression.///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////

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Member Since: 18/04/2008
Band Members: Che-Woo,PlemaSkyHigh
Influences: Nasi najveci uzori su nekako ismesani,tako da ne postoji bas neko odredjen,a i neko nase misljenje je da su svi reperi pre nas imali nesto posebno sto ih odmah cini nasim uzorima i vodicima u svet Hip-Hop-a.Evidentno je da se Hip-Hop kao jedan sad vec veoma popularan tip muzike tokom godina razvio na nekoliko grana ili stilova i samim tim nam pruzio priliku da se odlucimo kakav stil Hip-Hop-a bi radili u buducnosti.Tu je ukljuceno mnostvo raznih tj. razlicitih stilova Hip-Hop-a kojima se bavimo tako da nismo jos ustanovili ili zadrzali jedan odredjeni pravac po kojem bi se prepoznavali, mada koliko god neki pricali da smo foliranti zato sto repujemo najvise na engleskom a dolazimo iz Srbije koja je sad odjednom razvila smisao patriotizma,nase pesme i rime su ono sto mi jesmo i sta predstavljamo.Mi kao grupa smo podjednako nadahnuti kako stranim,tako i domacim iliti Srpskim reperima sto znaci da iako su nase pesme na engleskom,mi i dalje volimo i cenimo vecinu repera koji su ostavili svoj trag na srpskoj Hip-Hop sceni.Nasa odluka da repujemo na engleskom je u stvari jedna vrsta naseg licnog stila ili potpisa po kome nas ljudi prepoznaju i cene jer smo uprkos brojnim kritikama i neslaganjima opstali i zadrzali svoj jedinstveni stil.Mi radimo i pesme koje su na srpskom jeziku,ali mi jednostavno imamo drugacije gledanje na celu srpsku Hip-Hop scenu i zbog njene promene i razlicitosti smo odlucili da donesemo nesto novo sto do sada nije bas puno ljudi uspelo da uradi.Nas stil repovanja je vrlo slican samom srpskom Hip-Hop-u ali je glavna razlika to sto su nase rime prvenstveno na srpskom koje mi u glavi prevedemo na engleski da bi dobile na tom nekom efektu razlicitosti od drugih. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// Our biggest influences are kinda mixed up ,so there isn’t anyone specific ,and our opinion is that all rappers before us had something special that immediately made them our role models and guides into the world of Hip-Hop.It’s evident that Hip-Hop,as one of the most popular types of music evolved into several styles or branches and dus’ allowing us to decide what style of Hip-Hop we would do in the future.We incorporated a lot of different styles in our songs so far,so there isn’t a specific or certain style of our rappin’ that we would be recognized for, even dough a lot of people say that we are fake rappers cus’ we rap mostly in English and we come from Serbia,a country which suddenly developed a sense of patriotism,our songs and our rhymes are who we are and what we represent.We as a group are equally influenced by not only foreign but also by domestic or Serbian rappers,which means even dough our songs are in English,we still love and appreciate most of the rappers that left their mark on the Serbian Hip-Hop scene.Our decision to rap in English is basically a type of our own unique style or signature on what people recognize and appreciate us,because we in spite of numerous critiques and disagreements kept our own unique style.We also do song that are in Serbian,but we simply have a different view on the whole Serbian Hip-Hop scene and because of it’s change and diversity decided to bring something new which not a lot of people have succeeded to do.Our style of rapping is very similar to Serbian Hip-Hop but the key difference is our rhymes are first and for mostly in Serbian that we translate in our heads to give them the effect of diversity from others.
Sounds Like: Na vama je da odlucite/It's up to u to decide
Record Label: Unsigned

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[email protected] dis is 4 all the people dat have questions,or anythin else...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 04:18:00 GMT


I see people are very interesed in ma beatz lately,and they are wondering am i sellin' ma beatz,i'mma make it easier 2 yall and tell ya i do...If anyone new is interesed,send me a message on ma MySpac...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 03:51:00 GMT