I used to get told off in primary school for having my head in the clouds. As you can tell from my artistic leanings, my head never really came down. I'd sit in class and draw UFO's and aliens and far off planets and space ships and all manner of wonderfully imaginitive and preposterous objects. While the rest of the class were learning the "important" things like long division and science, I was busy wondering about the bigger picture.
The much bigger picture.
I found it odd that people could walk around worrying about the usual day to day necessities when the happenings above us were infinitely greater and infinitely more powerful than anything on earth. Order on earth was chaos in the heavens and chaos on earth was order in the heavens.
In the world above us, true order means that things move unceasingly. With no force to stop Jupiters patrol, he simply keeps moving. On earth, order eventually turns to chaos.
Yet what we consider chaos is but short lived and miniscular compared to the real chaos of space. The sun, while being our greatest need in life, greater than food or water or sleep, is also possibly the most destructive force we have had the honor of witnessing. The sun is the closest thing to the traditional explanation of Hell that we know of, fire that burns unceasingly.
So on I went, blowing through my studies rather carelessly and sinking my head unceasingly into art books, science fiction and fantasy sagas and intense video games. All the while I had about a dozen voices in my ears telling me why I had to grow up and why I had to start living in the real world and being responsible.
So just after the end of year ten I took an adventure out of my galactic empire and into this rumoured world of "Real Life". Within a couple of years I'd seen more of it than I liked. In the real world people were grossly overworked, grossly underpaid, unhappy, lovelorn, and problem ridden. In my imaginary science fiction universe I could float in a bubble around a planets rings or watch a purple moon rise above a crystalline sea. If anything became too intense or uncomfortable, no problem! I'd just think of something else!
So, having seen what the "Real World" had to offer, I consequentially decided that 99% of humans were utter fruit loops and jumped back into my egg shaped space pod and flew back to my purple planet.
And I haven't left there since.
After reading this you probably think I'm bonkers. Well I guess in a way I am, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Pun intended.
Layout by CoolChaser